---------- ---------- PC Pro Realworld Computing: Paul Lynch - PDAs

Newton System Update for OS 2.1

A new OS version has been released for OS 2.1, which runs on the MessagePad 2000 and eMate 300. This is version number 717145. You can check the version number by looking at the Memory Info panel, inside the Info button on the Extras drawer. Fixes should include better memory management (but see later), a more accurate battery power indicator and power management, and more reliable serial communications.

Newton Internet Enabler 2.0

Newton Inc have announced that NIE 2.0 will be available later this year. Details are sketchy at the moment, but it should provide support for PCMCIA based ethernet cards. This will help desktop based MessagePad 2000 users, and will allow the eMate to integrate into classroom networks.

Network HotSync for PalmPilot

3com have announced the release of Network HotSync, for PalmPilot Professional only. This allows the PalmPilot Professional model to synchronise over network links and dialup links. By dropping the Pilot into a cradle attached to a desktop or laptop PC running PalmPilot Desktop 2.1, the local HotSync server will attach through a network (including a PPP dialup network link) to the home server for that Pilot, and synchronise remotely. Connectivity isn't restricted to people dragging PCs about: using the PalmPilot modem dialled in to a local ISP, HotSync will connect over TCP/IP to your PalmPilot Desktop server to synchronise.

Formerly you would have had to dial to a modem attached directly to your PC to synchronise. This requires that you have a server running PalmPilot Desktop 2.1 with a full-tiume Internet link, so I would say that it is only applicable to corporate customers. The price for Network HotSync is $69.

New OS update for PalmPilot Users

Update 2.0.3 is now available for PalmPilot models. This isn't applicable to the old 1000 and 5000 models that are still the only ones officially sold in this country. The update fixes some problems with network code in the Professional model, accuracy of some alarms, and stylus sensitivity.

New Version of CoPilot

CoPilot running the new PalmPilot ROM
CoPilot running the new PalmPilot ROM

The 1.0 beta 9 release of CoPilot is now available on the net. CoPilot is a PC based emulation package for the Pilot, and runs on Windows 95 and NT. This new version supports the 2.0 ROM, which means that it can now emulate the PalmPilot Personal and Professional models.

Topics covered this month:

Contacts mentioned in this month's column:

Newton: http://newton.info.apple.com/
New Newton system update: http://newton.info.apple.com/product_info/SW/system_updates.html
PalmPilot OS Update 2.0.3: http://www.usr.com/palm/custsupp/os203rdme.html
CoPilot: http://userzweb.lightspeed.net/~gregh/pilot/copilot/
Psion: http://www.psion.com


Words and design by:
Paul Lynch
Last updated: July 30, 1997

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