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Adding iAd to Your Projects

I noticed that there is no official sample code for including iAd banners in your projects. Knowing Apple “version zero” demoware, I thought it might be a good idea to build a small project to evaluate iAd.

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File Well for MacOS X Cocoa

I needed a control for an application I am writing, very similar to one that was a common idiom in the NeXT world – a drag well for files. Drag a file icon to the well and drop it in, and the application receives the full path of the file; drag from the well, and […]

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tinyMCE html editor for Cocoa

One thing that’s been missing in MacOS X Cocoa is an easy way to add html editing features. A long time ago, in an operating system far away (NeXTSTEP, of course), it was simple enough to use Terminal Services to add almost anything you want, and I had a very useful set built for html […]

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Xcode tips – autocomplete and lookup

There are a few simple key combinations that help a lot when using Xcode – I don’t mean just the emacs key bindings (which are worth a post all on their own), but autocomplete and lookups.  I suffer badly from forgetting these keystrokes when I switch between Xcode and Eclipse (and TextMate and all sorts […]

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This is in the cocoa-programming Apple list FAQ (if you can find it), but it deserves wider currency. If nothing else, I’m always forgetting the details. If you want to change the __CompanyName__ text that Xcode puts into every single file’s comment headers: defaults write PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions ‘{ “ORGANIZATIONNAME” = “My Company”; }’

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Mesa – updating projects

I have spent the last day updating Mesa. No new features, just reconstructing the project. The last time it was rebuilt was in 2000/2001, I think; required upgrades in the interim were done automatically whenever Xcode offered. But a lot has degraded in the project since automatic upgrades started. I lost the ability to debug […]

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