Condensed information from Allakhazam.
Collection Quests:
These quests open up according to reputation, and possibly level. So there is a max number of each type of item that can be handed in, before the final version of each type.
Drop rates for these items can vary considerably.
- 1: 5 small furry paws (Cats in Darkshore, the Barrens)
- 4: 5 torn bear pelts (bears in Hillsbrad, Ashenvale)
- 8: 5 soft bushy tails (coyote/hyenas in Badlands, Desolace)
- 12: 5 vibrant plumes (birds, owlbeasts, hippogryphs in Azshara, Blasted Lands, Felwood, Feralas, Tanaris, Hinterlands, Western Plaguelands, Winterspring)
- 20: 5 evil bat eyes (Western/Eastern Plaguelands from plaguebats and noxious plaguebats)
- 20: 5 glowing scorpid bloods (Silithius)
- 1: 10 coarse weightstone
- 4: 7 heavy grinding stone
- 8: 3 green iron bracelets
- 12: 3 big black maces
- 20: 8 dense grinding stones
- 1: 2 copper modulators
- 4: 7 whirring bronze gizmos
- 8: 36 green fireworks
- 12: 6 mechanical repair kits
- 20: 6 thorium widgets
- 1: 3 embossed leather boots (8 light leather, 5 coarse thread)
- 4: 3 toughened leather armor (10 medium leather, 2 cured light hide, 2 fine thread)
- 8: 3 barbaric harnesses (14 heavy leather, 2 fine thread, iron buckle)
- 12: 3 turtle scale leggings (14 thick leather, 28 turtle scales, heavy silken thread)
- 20: 3 rugged armor kits (@ 5 rugged leather)
Hand in x tickets for:
- 5: Darkmoon Flower
- 5: Minor Darkmoon Prize (level 15)
- 10: Last Month’s Mutton (level 29 mace, 16.6 dps)
- 12: Lesser Darkmoon Prize (level 30)
- 40: Greater Darkmoon Prize (level 45; Traveller’s Backpack)
- 50: Last Year’s Mutton (level 50 mace, 31.5 dps)
- 50: Darkmoon Storage Box (14 slot, unique)
- 1200: Amulet of the Darkmoon
- 1200: Orb of the Darkmoon