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Pragmatic Thinking and Learning, by Andy Hunt

Recent reading has included “Pragmatic Thinking and Learning” by Andy Hunt, from @progprog. Most interestingly, it covers almost exclusively topics that I have absorbed over the last 30 years or so – meditation, context switching, personality types, left/right brain thinking, mind maps, GTD, and so on. I didn’t realise that I knew so much!

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Downtime in the USA

There were times in my life when, each year on average, I spent more time in the USA than the UK (where my home officially was).  Apart from stretches of crashing boredom, I rather enjoyed it.  I can’t pretend that I have any magic secrets on how to make downtime interesting, especially if you don’t […]

Travel Advice

Once upon a time, in a very different world from the one we live in today, I used to fly.

On assembling an Ikea PAX wardrobe

We recently decided to install a pair of Ikea Pax wardrobes in our bedroom.


Twitter enable your app with XAuth!

Community enabling an application can be a pain – far harder than it needs to be. One of the biggest reasons for this problem is OAuth. Requiring a mobile application to open an 800×500 html window is unrealistic, exacerbated by graphic designers who think that a web page is the answer to every problem (remember […]

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Adding iAd to Your Projects

I noticed that there is no official sample code for including iAd banners in your projects. Knowing Apple “version zero” demoware, I thought it might be a good idea to build a small project to evaluate iAd.

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File Well for MacOS X Cocoa

I needed a control for an application I am writing, very similar to one that was a common idiom in the NeXT world – a drag well for files. Drag a file icon to the well and drop it in, and the application receives the full path of the file; drag from the well, and […]

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tinyMCE html editor for Cocoa

One thing that’s been missing in MacOS X Cocoa is an easy way to add html editing features. A long time ago, in an operating system far away (NeXTSTEP, of course), it was simple enough to use Terminal Services to add almost anything you want, and I had a very useful set built for html […]

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iOS 4 Impact

I’ve just finished the first stage of one app port to iOS 4. I have to say that it has been a very rocky road, with the first announcement and beta some months back, followed by the very late announcement of iPhone 4 at WWDC. Let’s look at the timings and implications… and I’m going […]

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iPad impact – for developers

I did a review last week of the iPad release, based on the Programming Guide and Human Interface Guidelines, for a customer. The aim was to find out what changes I would have to make to their iPhone application; this post is to give my impressions, on that very brief survey, of what changes developers […]

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