Paladin Talent Builds (old)

These are pre-1.9. From EU Paladin, forums, posted by Calgor:

A bump + some more talent info:

Disclaimer: Disagree if you so wish, I don’t claim to be an expert. These builds are partly built from own experience, partly from comments from other players and partly just geekish theory-crafting.

  • The Holy Knight – i.e. Damage builds:

    Version 1 – 2H build:
    -Improved BoM/Benediction
    -2H Weapon Spec. 5/5
    -Deflection 5/5
    -Vengeance 5/5
    -Seal of Command 1/1
    -Precision 3/3
    -Consecration 1/1
    -Conviction 5/5

    Comment: Go primary for Strength and secondary for Agility, or crit-increasing items. The idea is to get a crit-% above 15%. This build works the best when you off tank, or just help out a party with dealing damage to the main target. It is weak when it comes to absorbing damage from multiple mobs.

    Version 2 – 1H build:
    -Redoubt 5/5
    -Improved BoP 2/2
    -Toughness 5/5
    -Shield Spec. 5/5
    Filler talent 3 points
    -Reckoning 5/5
    -Holy Shield 1/1

    -Improved BoM/Benediction
    -Improved SotC 5/5
    -Seal of Command 1/1

    Comment: Go primary for Strength and secondary for Stamina. The idea is to soak up damage and return it with Reckoning and Holy Shield. Seal of Command is there to save your mana. This build is weak in two regards, first due that sometimes Reckoning and Redoubt can be bugged, and secondly due that it requires you take a beating – i.e. if you are in a party where the Warrior tanks, then this build is quite weak.

    Version 3 – Range Build:
    -Spiritual Focus 5/5
    -Revelation 2/2
    -Illumination 5/5
    -Improved BoW 5/5
    -Divine Favor 1/1
    -Improved SoR 5/5
    -Divine Wisdom 5/5
    -Sanctity Aura 1/1
    Filler talent 1 point
    -Holy Shock 1/1

    Comment: Go primary for Intelligence and secondary for Spirit. This build gives controlled burst damage, both with JoR and Holy Shock – it also provides the Paladin with a ranged attack. Its weakness is that it is highly mana consuming, hence it works best during sporadic pvp encounters, while it shines less brightly in the long haul when you need to conserve your mana.

  • Field Medic:

    Version 1 – Slim build:
    -Spiritual Focus 5/5
    -Illumination 5/5
    -Divine Favor 1/1

    Comment: The "healing-core" of the holy tree. Get it and you’ll do alright in most situations.

    Version 2 – "Healadin":
    -Spiritual Focus 5/5
    -Improved Holy Light 3/3
    -Revelation 2/2
    -Illumination 5/5
    -Improved BoW 5/5
    -Divine Favor 1/1
    -Improved FoL 3/3
    -Divine Wisdom 5/5

    Comment: Flash of Light will be the mana conserving spam-heal and Holy Light is the big heal that helps when the target drops in health rapidly. Lay on Hands is the panic heal when everything goes to hell. Improved BoW and Divine Wisdom to help out with the mana.

  • "Tankadin"-builds:

    Version 1 – Retribution Spec:
    -Improved BoM 5/5
    -Benediction 5/5
    -Deflection 5/5
    -Seal of Command 1/1
    -Improved Retribution Aura 4/5
    -Consecration 1/1

    Comment: Consecration to keep aggro on multiple targets and Benediction so that you can spam it. No talents points in 2H weapon spec. or Improved SotC since they will not be used when you tank. However, they can always be used to flesh out the Paladin for solo-play. The strength with this build is that you get Seal of Command and Consecration, making you able to also off-tank.

    Version 2 – Protection Spec:
    -Redoubt 5/5
    -Improved BoP 2/2
    -Toughness 3/5
    -Blessing of Sanctuary 1/1
    -Shield Spec. 5/5
    -Improved SoF 4/5
    -Holy Shield 1/1
    -Improved BoS 2/2

    Comment: Holy Shield to keep aggro on multiple targets. BoP is used to remove the aggro that any party member might have caused. Blessing of Sanctuary to reduce the need for healing and Improved BoS to ease on the need need for blessings. The strength with this build is that you’ll be able to both soak up damage and keep the aggro. The weakness is both in the regard that you must pull, preferable using dynamite, and that this build is only strong when you tank.

    Version 3 – Ultimate tank:
    -Redoubt 5/5
    -Improved BoP 2/2
    -Toughness 3/5
    -Shield Spec. 5/5
    -Improved SoF 5/5
    -Holy Shield 1/1
    -Improved BoS 2/2

    -Improved BoM 5/5
    -Benediction 5/5
    -Deflection 5/5
    -Seal of Command 1/1
    -Improved Retribution Aura 4/5
    -Consecration 1/1

    Comment: Combines the two above tank builds, giving the ultimate strength for tanking multiple mobs. The weakness is that this build is quite mana intensive, not to mention it requires quite many talent points.

  • PvP-builds:

    Version 1 – Pray for Proc:
    See above "Version 1 – 2H Build". Learn engineering for snares and ranged attacks.

    Version 2 – Fighter Killer:
    -Redoubt 5/5
    -Toughness 3/5
    -Improved BoP 2/2
    -Shield Spec. 5/5
    -Improved SoJ 5/5
    -Reckoning 5/5
    -Holy Shield 1/1
    -1H Weapon Spec. 4/5 points
    -Repentance 1/1 point

    -Improved BoM 5/5
    Filler talent 5 points
    -Seal of Command 1/1

    Comment: Effective vs. melee classes, far less effective vs. spellcasters. Repentance will together with Hammer of Justice work as your snare attack. Still a good idea to stack up on trinkets, engineering items and swiftness potions.

    Version 3 – "Shockadin":
    See above "Version 3 – Range Build". Possible option is to include a 2H-build and Seal of Command, just to reduce the mana strain… and as always, it is a good idea to have trinkets, engineering items and swiftness potions.

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