(N)EverQuest Scrolls


Started in February 2002 with a druid on Bristlebane (Dreesong). Made a beastlord in April (Hereki). Moved to Kane Bayle in August, with another druid. Started anew on Venril Sathir in November 2002, with a 85 cleric (Borek), 68 beastlord (Borel), 70 druid (Avvon), 86/3.5k epic 1.0/1.5/2.0 mage (Avno) , 76 paladin, 73 shadowknight, 78 enchanter (Modis), 68 rogue, 70 ranger, 69 berserker, 69 wizard, 65 enchanter (Kadath), necro (Jikulak), and shaman all on VS (now Antonius Bayle).

I was quite active on the SOE forums (and still am, as Borek-VS), also EQTraders, the old necro forums, The Runes, beastlord forums (more than one, over the years), and elsewhere. Most of the latter have dwindled and faded away.

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