Everquest II
Everquest II: Starter Areas, 1-20
by paul on Jun.04, 2010, under Everquest II
This is going to be long, as I have put all my thoughts about the EQ2 starter areas into the one post. Now I have levelled to 20+ in ALL the starter areas, so my opinions should at least be consistent. I am typical of a moderately experienced MMO player, with a relatively hard core casual play style – mostly solo, some groups, in other games; experienced in raiding but turned off by the attitudes. Now read on… (continue reading…)
Qeynos, Freeport and Gorowyn: First Impressions
by paul on May.20, 2010, under Everquest II
What brought me back in recent weeks was the news that the next patch to EQ2 would remove the ability to start characters in Qeynos and Freeport (I am not entirely clear on exactly what the change will be). I wanted to run a set through the newbie areas while I still could. (continue reading…)
My history with Everquest 2
by paul on May.19, 2010, under Everquest II
I have played Everquest 2 for a total of 3-4 months, so I am certainly no expert. I tried it, didn’t like it, went back to Everquest. That was a trial month at least three years ago (might have been a lot longer); I bought it when I was out of Everquest and bored with WoW, and played for 2-3 months then cancelled; and I have been playing recently in the past month. Highest character to date is 21, so I have no basis to comment on the game beyond the newbie experience. (continue reading…)
Underfoot and Everquest 2
by paul on May.19, 2010, under Everquest II, Uncategorized
I’ve been largely away from Everquest for the past couple of months. This was triggered by being suddenly very busy with work, partly from a combination of customers, and partly from the iPad launch bringing projects together all with the same deadline. (continue reading…)