(N)EverQuest Scrolls

Gearing 65 ranger

by on Jan.28, 2009, under Equipment

There are a few clickies effects from PoP ornate gear (elemental has nothing):

Ornate: Planestriders Leggings – Earthen Roots
Planestriders Hauberk – Protection of the Wild

Standard strategy is Elaborate Defiant for visible slots, Compartmented Palladium Trio for JC slots, SoF Dragonscale Hills Bazaar drops for neck, back, shoulders (with face and ring possible) – leaving waist empty (Time haste belt makes a lot of sense here.

For weapons:

Eldanddor’s Avenger 2HS 56/32 (1.75) – at 65: 49/32, 1.53
Dreadfall Pike 2P 54/31 (1.74) – 47/31, 1.52
Orrel’s War-Staff 2HB 60/35 (1.71) – ??

Lelluran’s Scarred Longsword 1HS 27/23 (1.17) – 23/23, 1.00
Lelluran’s Mace 1HB 30/26 (1.15) – 26/26, 1.00

Vanazir, Dreamer’s Despair 2HB (1.58), TT
Timeless Coral Greatsword 2HS (1.56), phase 3 bosses
Hammer of the Timeweaver 1HB (1.08), Quarm (pet weapon)
Timespinner, Blade of the Hunter 1HS (1.05), Bert (pet weapon)
Edge of Eternity 1HS (1.00)

Timespinner is RNG only. Ranger 1.5 is Heartwood Blade, 1HS, 23/20 (1.15).

Time haste options are:

Cord of Temporal Weavings (45%) waist, Quarm
Coif of Flowing Time (40%) head, TT
Shroud of Survival (46%) shoulders, Inny
Earring of Corporeal Essence (40%), ear, TT

Best pick is the belt, failing that the earring.

Other clickies:

Kunark (Tolan’s Darkwood) breastplate, for port to LFay, and bracer, but only if you don’t have Endless Quiver.

Best arrows are:

Drakebone Drakespike Arrow (7, small nock) 13/125
Blessed Champion / Blessed Guardian (need 180+ smithing) 11+4/170
Shadow Tipped Acrylia 10+4/125
Mithril Champion 11+3/150
class 6 steel silver tip arrow (small groove) 8/100 – vendor arrow, triv 202


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