Cabilis faction
by paul on Jul.04, 2005, under Quests
Intended mainly for those interested in doing the iksar quests for shamans and shadowknights. See here.
In general, faction can be raised by killing sarnaks, goblins, frogloks and iksar outcasts in Kunark – not all will give hits, so only frogloks in Sebilis do, and the Kly in Dalnir do not, for example. There are also several factions in Cabilis, not all of which are raised the same by killing, so the hand in quests are a must. Most kills raise Legion of Cabilis faction, which is required to reach most of the hand in mobs. The rough procedure required is to kill until you can do hand ins, then use the quests to raise other factions. However, necro faction can only be raised by killing iksar outcasts.
If you can, the fastest way to get Legion faction is to collect weapons in Veksar and hand them in the the NPC in Lake of Ill Omen until you reach dubious with the Legion. I haven’t done this, but I believe roughly 10 or more hand ins (40 weapons) will be required.
Otherwise, the first stage is to get an Overthere Hammer, as later stages will involve trashing Venril Sathir faction. So, go to the Overthere, and kill 80+ sarnak berzerkers to collect sarnak war braids to hand in to Captain Rottgrime. The best camp spot, if you don’t have a tracker, is the couple of buildings at the south of the zone, north of the Frontier Mountains zone line; a number of static spawns and wanderers. Berzerkers seem to be on the general sarnak spawn table.
As soon as you hit amiable, go to the undead foreman, just south of the ships, and hand him a jade (only one required, although he talks about “filling [his] eyesockets”. Bingo.
The next stage is to become non-KoS with Legion, and gain some necro faction while doing this. SKs need to be non-KoS with necros; necromancers interested in doing the skullcap quest need to reach amiable with Brood of Kotiz. 150 – 200 iksar kills will allegedly take you to glowers with necros. There are several camps of low level iksar outcasts that you can use for this: the caves in Warsliks Woods, before the zone to LOIO; several camps of three in huts in WW; and the camp of four NE of the explorer tower in LOIO. The cave in Field of Bone is on a very slow respawn timer, so I don’t recommend there. The caves in WW have 12 – 15 spawns on a 16 minute timer, but you need to pay full attention for 4-6 minutes to kill them all. The hut SE of the zone to the Overthere has the advantage that you can go afk in the middle, if you have a pet; overnight here should be enough for faction.
The next step is to collect explorer survival knives; 4 – 5 stacks will be required to reach non-KoS with other factions; another 4 – 5 stacks if you need to become warmly or better. The explorers are in Lake of Ill Omen, between the Warsliks Woods and Cabilis zones. For light relief while doing this, go to the caves in Warsliks and kill iksars for Brood of Kotiz (necro) faction; you can detour a little north to kill the iksar bandit lord for his Bracer of Scavenging.
By the time I had 2 stacks (and OT mallet), I had gone from scowls to glares as a Cazic troll, but I had 5 stacks before I reached glowers. Four stacks handed in maxxed my legion faction at warmly. At 5 stacks handed in, I was glowers to crusaders, merchants, and mystics, but still scowls to the necros. 2 more stacks (and a backpack of bone chips), to apprehensive, then one stack to indifferent, and one more to amiably. An Innoruuk troll (shaman) raised at roughly the same speed, but was still glowers with merchants and crusaders while amiable to mystics after 8 stacks of knives; clearly shamans like other shamans, and the other factions prefer Cazic over Inny. One of the crusaders in LOIO is on mystic faction, which should simplify checking.
An alternative to the explorer knives quests is to hand in bone chips in vast numbers to Trooper Mozo in Field of Bone until you are non-KoS to merchants, shamans, etc. This is slower than the explorer knives, but without the FV faction hits. You will possibly still be KoS to necros – if so, kill more iksar outcasts until merely glowers. Necro faction is required for shadowknights to deal with their librarian (glowers is sufficient); shamans can get by without. Bone chips can be obtained in the usual way, for instance while getting the drops you will need later from Kurn’s Tower, or from a high level necro with the flesh to bone AA.
There is another hand in quest involving iksar marauder MM nose rings – I haven’t tried that, so have no idea of the faction hits or speed of raising.
You can now proceed with the (SK/shaman) quest hand ins; if you are relying on potions to raise your faction high enough, you don’t need to collect so many knives/bone chips, but you will need a number of potions, as several zonings will be required mid quest. A level 59 shaman is needed to reach the trivial level of Essence of Iksar. See here for raising alchemy.
Iksar quests for troll shaman and shadowknight
by paul on Jul.04, 2005, under Quests
First, fix your faction. Your objective is to become warmly to all factions (apart from necros) for both classes, and non-KoS or better to necros for SKs.
Greenmist series drops:
- 4 sarnak whelp heads (sarnak hatchlings, LOIO)
- 9 A Page of a Tome and a Tome Binder (froglok raiders, SoNH, around the bandit camp just south of the FoB zone)
- A Glowing Skull (greater scalebone, Kurns basement)
- Misscribed Lifetap, Misscribed Gate (sapling at n950 1360, 18 min respawn), Scroll in a Bottle (far NW 4236 4221), shovel (E Cab, Klok Dytar) (iksar knight, WW n2007 n728)
- 2 Charasis Tome (Tracker Azeal, FV outside outpost). Kill Hero Gloxnok and drachnid spy at entrance to drolvarg tunnel
- Visceral Dagger – Kly Imprecators, shard metal shard, jagged metal shard, dagger hilt; undead blacksmith forge hammer of Dalnir (Dalnir). See EQAtlas Dalnir 2 and EQAtlas Dalnir 3; first imp is at location 2 on floor 2, second in the Church at the back, and the third in the Lab. The undead blacksmith is location 9, and the forge at location 10. Warning: a large race will need a shrink to reach the Lab/forge area, through a one-way passage.
- Argest (enslaved iksar, FM): bone key, bone necklace, stone key (penkeeper/penmaster, FM). 6 Illegible Scrolls (Kaesora, CoM, Mistmoore). My failed tomb raider was upstairs in the Library, but can spawn and wander anywhere in that area. CoM drops from spectral courier, with three fixed spawn points in the stables. Mistmoore drops are from Dark Librarian and Assistant Dark Librarian (n90 n95 n105). Final combine is in Droga, at the pottery wheel/Stupendous Machine.
- History of the Greenmist (Loremaster Piza’Tak, Chardok library), Chunk of Tynnonium (glowing cliff golem, OT), Hammer of 1406 (Weaponsmith Ko’zirr, LOIO), greenish metal shard (alchemists’ acolyte, Chardok), shattered blade of Rile (KC), mirror of self loating (Drusella Sathir, HS), parchment and quill
Cudgel series drops:
- Logrin skull, Morgl skull, Waz skull (iksar outcast, E Cab, sewers)
- mandible (rogue shaman, FoB), mendglow clay (foraged, BW), skull with I (stuffed barracuda, LOIO), jawless skull (rogue shaman, 2794 n2836 WW)
- froglok hexdoll (goblin hextracer, WW), 6 iksar skull with an X (undead crusader, 3rd/4th floor staircase at n98 n223 122, Kurns)
- 6 tiny glowing skulls (goblin bloodtracers, WW)
- Mystic Dovan, SoNH: iksar skull helm (sarnak adherents, LOIO), Dai Nozok Canpoic (Overseer Dlubish, FM), froglok ton totem (froglok ton warrior, SoNH), 3 piece of totem (froglok ton warrior, SoNH), mendglow clay (foraged, BW)
- from coerced channeler, Dalnir, 2nd floor Kly Imprecator spawn area: sarnak nightdust (sarnak partisans, 2000 n1800, FM), gorge moss (foraged, Xorbb), sponge mushroom (foraged, Nurga), firiona drixie dust (drixies, FV), stoneleer emerald plume (stoneleer cockatrice, OT), slate (tan) chant rock (goblin stonechanters, FM)
- Klok Sargin, LOIO: sarnak dragoon helm (no rent, sarnak dragooons, LOIO)
- Atheling Plague, BW: skull of Digalis (iksar slave, FM)
- dusty iksar skull (HS), 4 glowing iksar skulls (HS)
- shrunken iksar skull necklace (Xalgoz, Kaesora), changeling essence (Thuuga Dengible, FM), glowing kunzar amulet (Kaggy Krup, SoNH), blackened iksar bones (Venril Sathir, KC), skull of Rile (Venril Sathir, HS)
Necro 9th skullcap
by paul on Sep.29, 2004, under Equipment, Quests
Starts with Ixpacan at location 50, n1070 in the skorpikis pit in the Overthere. Use the Find window to reach him, this is at the end of one of the east legs of the pit. You will need your 8th skullcap to hand in to him.
After following the conversation, you will be given a 4 slot container, Ixpacan’s Tome. He asks you to collect four items – a brittle bone (once used for reincarnations), a poisoned soul from an angry iksar ghost, something from ‘the burning heat’, and a gem of reflection. The gem the ‘fools in Cabilis probably wouldn’t know how to create’.
In EJ, an angered spirit drops a poisoned soul, in a ruins at 3475, 1290.
The brittle bone is a rare drop in Charasis, seems to be random off any mob or possibly skeletons. It can be obtained in the basement, which makes it reasonably easy to obtain.
If you ask Harbinger Glosk in the Cabilis necro guild about the gem of reflection, he asks for the head of a rogue marauder in a jungle near here. The rogue marauder is in Trakanon’s Teeth at n2040 1545.
For the gem of reflection, you will need mount Death mineral salts, a green goblin skin (both from FM or Nurga/Droga), Spiroc bone dust (Timorous Deep, from spirocs), Essence of Rathe, blue slumber fungus (ground spawn in Lesser Faydark, 1155, 3610), and a vial of pure essence. The vial drops in Firiona Vie from Marinda Flockwings, a drixie. This is for Harbinger Glosk in Cabilis necro guild.
In Skyfire, in the lava lake due north of the Burning Woods zone line is a single “a lava walker”, who drops the final item, a fiery orb.
Combine the four items in Izpacan’s book, and hand it in to him. He will spawn a low 50s mob; kill this, and hand in what you loot from him, to get the 9th skullcap.
I haven’t completed this myself yet, although most details were worked out with the Unsolved Quests board, whose members deserve credit for solving the quest.
Cleric epic
by paul on Dec.03, 2003, under Quests
See the guides at Caster’s Realm, Clerics of Everquest, EQ Cleric.
The 3 raid force parts can be handled in a straight sequence, provided all the other parts have been handled first and that Ragefire is up in SolB; these can be dealt with solo or with the aid of a small group. This all is written assuming that the quest is being done by a 51 cleric, but with allowance for higher levels.
First, get an Enduring Breath item. You can either camp the Taskmaster in Echo Caverns to get three Shissar organs, or Shissars in the Grey, for the Katta quest, or kill Hadden in Qeynos Hills enough times to get a Fishbone earring. You can handle the TM (just) or Hadden at 51, but the Grey is higher level and would require a group. Shissar Revenants around the temple also drop the organs (Allakhazam says only the Stalkers do), roughly one organ per circuit of the temple.
Next, two parts can be camped solo – you need to call in assistance for one of them.
Lord Bergurgle in Lake Rathetear. Level 40, casts CHeal. You can kill the placeholders easily solo, but will need assistance for him – you pull him to land for easier casting and stun lock to prevent healing; an Enduring Breath item will be required for the quest. He pops at 2800, 150, in front of Deep, 28 minute spawn cycle; the entrance is at 2804, -911. The hand in from this to Shmendrik Lavawalker may require assistance – one melee should be sufficient, but this can be done seperately, and a 3 hour delay may be required between 2 parts for the best chances of success (walk-throughs differ on this). A higher level cleric (60+) can solo both parts of this camp easily. I have seen Natasha aggro on the elemental, so splitting the camp is advisable unless you can guarantee to KS Natasha.
Lord Gimblox, in Solusek’s Eye (SolA). Level 30, should be easily soloable. Location -796, -367; this is in a room close to the Fire Goblin King (to the east of him). Place holders are a large fire goblin and a fire goblin shaman. Spawn cycle is 19 mins.
Then come the parts that need group support, and these can all be done in sequence after the solo/duo parts.
Following the Bergurgle hand in, you must kill a level 55 Plasmatic Priest in the Temple of Solusek Ro. A group will be required to pull and kill him safely. One 60+ melee and a cleric can do this. The usual way to to pull him to the zone for the handin, having either the puller to zone out or a mem blur/atone; however, I have killed him in situ without problems.
To summon Ragefire, you need first to gather 4 Pearlescent Shards from Skyfire. These drop from any mob, 1% chance. The best way to get these is to take a team in, and clear the zone; a druid levelling in Skyfire at low 50s would expect to get 1 per level gained. This should be an attractive proposition, as Skyfire mobs can drop low 50s Kunark spells, both druid and cleric (and necro and others in theory), and excess of these can be handed in in Firiona Vie for some other spells. Details of what spells can be found would be attractive… I know that Death Pact and Yaulp IV are possible drops, and Heroic Bond, Unserving Hammer of Faith, are possible from the turn ins. I have soloed at 60+ these mobs (as a cleric), but it is very slow.
Three parts need a raid force to accomplish – killing Ixiblat Fer in Burning Woods (level 62), killing the Overking in Chardok (level 63) and killing Ragefire in Skyfire Mountains (level 55 as human, then level 62 as dragon). I won’t go into possible strategies here, but I’m guessing at least 3 groups of 55+ will be required for each. If you have a 60+ team, Ixiblat and Ragefire both need less than a full group; Chardok can be done with one group of 65s, but is easier with two. The Chardok part is possibly worth combining with Enchanter and Warrior epics (if anyone still does the Warrior epic, that is). Ragefire is a triggered spawn, by a hand in made in Nagafen’s Lair (SolB); the hand in mob is on a 24 hour spawn cycle, and you may need the fire giants cleared to get in safely; some can see invis. This will require a reasonable group at lower levels. Once in, the cleric can camp in reasonable safety from the end of the ledge. The easiest entry is from SolA and levitate over the lava; then kill approx 3 fire giants to reach the spawn point.
Hollowshade War
by paul on Jun.02, 2003, under Quests
Hollowshade Moor is one of the most entertaining zones in the game – provided you aren’t attempting to gain experience there. It’s a zone that I have cursed many a time in the past, but that’s changed now that the war script is fixed. As it now is, it serves several purposes: as an experience and quest zone for young Vah Shir (14-30); a source for high level smithing components; probably the most exciting mid-level raid zone; and a zone for 49+ people to solo farm interesting drops (many of which are no drop). The two reasons I used to curse this zone were: all the mobs are undercons, with a distinct lack of experience modifier; and the war script was badly broken, with no way to reset the zone to any reasonable status.
Allakhazam’s Hollowshade Moor Quest. Check here for details of the drops – the list of mobs is rather incomplete.
A number of decent mid range weapons can be found here: a +5 wis 1HB, a 2HB with dot/debuff proc, several piercers, and an average 1HS. There are two haste items; several items with +2 to +5 wis, various levels of int, skill modifiers of +3% for piering, and +3% and +4% med, and an FT(I) item.
The west side of the zone is an open field with rockhoppers and rhinobeetles, roughly level 10-14. These drop pelts, and various items for the vah shir quests. Across the south end of the zone is a lake with turtles and fish, also with quest drops, and various ground spawns on the island for these quests. South of the lake on the west side, below the entrance to Paludal Caverns, is another area with a slightly higher density of hoppers and beetles – good to hunt in if you need their drops. As well as the common mobs, a named hopper, Dirtchomp, and a named beetle, Gorehorn, can spawn. These are roughly level 25. It is possible that they can be spawned by killing the “aggressive green” beetles and rockhoppers (ie the ones that will aggro even when green cons).
There are three camps: a village on the south wall, occupied by grimlings; a cave to the east, occupied by sonic wolves; and a cave in the NW, occupied by owlbears – as well as a vah shir outpost near the entrance to Shar Vahl in the NW. All of these four points can be occupied at various times and different combinations by the three factions (owlbears, sonic wolves and grimlings). The war is started by players, and continues until one faction holds all three camps, at which point it will take over the outpost. When a named mob in the outpost is killed, the zone resets back to its normal state.
Each camp has one static point at which a named mob can spawn; the north cave has two of these (one in each of the two ‘end’ caverns). In addition, there are several named mobs that can spawn outside the camps and will wander about their faction areas. Drops are best from the named mob of each group in their home camp, from which ever occupies the north caves, and from the final named mobs that spawns in the outpost. The drops required for smithing are commonest from whichever of the owlbears or wolves holds the southern village – shrieking and wailing substances (wolves and bears), for shadowscream armor. I should point out that the owlbear smithing drops are also available in Paludal; I am not sure about the wolf ones.
Running the War
To start the war, just kill the named mob in one of the three camps. That will trigger an invasion from the next camp counter-clockwise, which will be defeated if you don’t help the invaders; while the invasion is underway (it lasts for 6 minutes), killing any of the other nameds has no effect. Once one camp has been taken over, invasions are automatically triggered at random every 12 minutes; these are usually, but not always, unresisted. The system seems to be arranged so that all three camps won’t be taken by the same group without player intervention, so the team with two camps will always be undefended, and the team with one camp will always defend it. The zone announcement has been adjusted to be reasonably clear if the camp attacked will be defended or not. If the invasion is the one you want, you need once more to kill the defenders, if they spawn; if it isn’t, you will have to kill the attackers, which is best done as they start to leave their base. Just one attacker reaching an undefended camp will take it over. I have been told that there is some magic system to force the ‘correct’ invasion to happen; but watching the person who claimed this, the ‘wrong’ invasion happened three times in a row, so I assume this is false. I have also heard that you can aggro an attacker and pull it into the winning area, but I haven’t been able to succeed with this. Attackers from the north and east leave from the caves, but attackers from the south spawn on the sandy spur in the lake by the east wall. By waiting for the right group to set out and helping them to win, you can arrange for any combination of two groups in the three camps. The attackers are variously called grimling invaders, furious owlbears, and sonic wolf fiends. They are non-aggro, and slightly easier to kill than the general run, whereas the defenders are harder, and they summon. Grimling invaders have two types, one of which (in the yellow jerseys) is immune to changes in run speed; the other is not. Aggro them, and they will turn to you.
As soon as one group has taken all three camps, the vah shir leg it for the zone accompanied by rain and thunder, and the victors take over the outpost. The named mob that spawns is typically level 35ish (dark blue to 40, light blue to 52), and as soon as it is killed, the zone returns back to normal.
If you want the owlbears to win so that you can try for the FT 1 range item, first kill the grimling chieftain. He summons, and casts a form of snare (called Quicksand). When killed, he only uncommonly has any of his drops – but you’ll need to kill his two bodyguards to loot. These three often drop acrylia, as well as the usual grimling drops. At the back of his hut are two spiritists, who will chain heal. Once the three at the front are down, take out the spiritists. As soon as the chief drops (within 30 seconds), the owlbears set out, and five grimling defenders spawn. These summon, backstab, and use Strong Poison on you. Kill the defenders before the furious owlbears arrive, and the owlbears will take over the village. In the chieftains place will be a screechmaw, who drops an owlbear claw earring or a sinew wrapped owlbear ribcage (chest slot).
Next, you will have 18 minutes from the chieftains death, 12 minutes from the owlbears taking over the village, to get to the wolf cave in the east. If the wolves attack the owlbears, five sonic wolf fiends will set out. It is easiest to kill them as they parade outside the cave. Keep on doing this every 12 minutes until the owlbears attack. Then three sonic wolf defenders will spawn; kill these – I think they can summon as well, but it is possible that they don’t. Defenders are all perma-rooted. Then race to the outpost.
At the back of the outpost spawns Skriat’Chakku (named owlbear). I target her from the road, then run around the back and cast on her – she warps through the wall onto me, and can be safely killed without interference from the other owlbears. She is immune to changes in run speed. The commonest drop is the owlbear bone club, but both the +5 cha cap and the polished owlbear beak piercer is common. The rare drop is the eye (FT1).
To get the grimling Prince Garzemort, start by killing the sonic wolf cave packleader; for Gnarlik, start with the owlbear denmaster.
This cycle can be over in 25 minutes; at times, it has taken close to 90 minutes if the luck of the random number generator was against me. The same approach, with a different starting point, can result in each of the three groups winning. The boss wolf, Gnarlik, is a reasonably easy kill. The hardest is the grimling Prince, who is extremely magic resistant. He sometimes resists both Splurt and Bond of Death, which are generally never resisted; life taps seemed to always land. Cold nukes always landed for full (I have been told); I don’t know about fire. If left to their own, they can easily kill a level 49 pet, although they are easy solo kills at that level.
Mid Level Raid Plan
If I was intending to do this as a mid-level raid, I’d want at a minimum 2 groups of 35 – 45s, up to four groups, one with a tracker. Station a group at each of the camps, and use the fourth to track named mobs in the middle of the zone, plus track the invaders. If you have two groups, use one to kill the trigger mobs and kill defenders, and the other to intercept invaders. Start by killing the appropriate trigger mob, then have all groups commence killing all the nameds for the next 5 minutes. In the south, you only need kill the chief’s hut (2 healers, 2 bodyguards, and the named). In the north, you should be able to walk between many of the mobs without aggroing, although the entries to the two caves with nameds at the back have two guards that are likely to aggro, and the nameds are close to other mobs, and adds are likely, depending on your level. The only way to handle the east cave is to kill in to the named placeholder, and sit tight waiting for respawns. I have seen someone pull the named through the roof of the cave, but I don’t know if this is still possible. The east cave is by far the toughest to deal with. Nothing in the zone can see invis, so it may just be possible to invis a group in to kill at the named spawn point; in the east cave, I can pretty much guarantee 2 or possibly 3 adds, depending on timing.
Killing defenders will be tougher at this level, as they are permarooted and summon. If you kill the normal entry guards (bodyguards/guardians) first, you should be able to kill defenders from one end. The grimlings will be the hardest to defeat, but they don’t have wanderers pathing through the defenders area.
Keep killing the nameds until you have enough drops, then cycle through a different way. You should be able to get owlbear/sonic wolf claw earrings for everyone, and a variety of other items.
Named mobs:
grimling chieftain
owlbear screechmaw
East Cave:
sonic packleader/Ghowlik
owlbear fleshrender/?? (I have not seen a different named here yet)
grimling tribal leader/Grurn No Eyes
North Cave, Main position:
owlbear denmaster/Skrietat’Chu
sonic wolf/Dreadmaw Wolfkin
grimling guard/Gniktar Grimwit
North Cave, other named:
owlbear fleshrender/Skrietat’Cha
sonic wolf/Fireclaw Wolfkin
grimling guard/Gleeknot Gnitrat
Prince Garzemort
Wanderer (North Central, between the two rivers):
Gamtoine Cursmakk (not seen personally)
Wanderer (North Moor, outside owlbear caves):
Prince Skriatat
Warpaw Dankpelt (not seen personally)
Wiknak Grimglom (not seen personally)
Wanderers (West and South Moor)
Vah Shir Series Quests
by paul on May.30, 2003, under Quests
- Khati Shah Handwraps (triv26)
- Shadeling silks (12 per combine) – SWT
- Young rockhopper claws (2) – SV
- Young rockhopper hides (16) – SV
- rough belt strap (triv 36)
- MQ rockhopper hides (2) – SWT/HM
- Claws (triv approx 40)
- Scorpion legs (4) – SV
- leather straps (triv 41+)
- HQ rockhopper hides (2) – SWT/HM
- Hopper tails (6) – HM
- Glowing heart stone, glowing muckdigger – PC
- sonic wolf molars (2), cubs and wolflings – HM
- black chitin belt
- shadeling silk (4) – SWT
- scorpion shell (triv 56) – SV
- bone beaded belt
- grimling fingerbone (triv 66) – HM
- owlbear feathered leggings
- owlbear feather – HM
- sonic wolf pelt – HM
- shadeling silk (4 – triv 95)) – SWT
- owlbear tunic
- owlbear pelts (12) – HM
- shadeling silk (24 – triv 135) – SWT
- Toughened Sinew Lashings
- owlbear claws (2), cubs and grapplers – HM
- owlbear tendons, cubs and grapplers – HM
- sonic wolf tendons – HM
- kelp salts, moor tortoise – HM
- fish oil soaked rags, fisherman, chieftain (triv 135) – HM
- scorpion shells (3)
- Gray Jar/Gray Clay (4 required, triv 41)
- gray mud (8)
- xakra bile (4)
- Bowl of the Jharin (triv 85)
- grimling femur (4)
- xakra bile
- Buckler and Drum
- young rockhopper hides (4)
- Reconstructed Vase (95)
- Lute
- owlbear feathers (7)
- owlbear guts (8)
- Hilt Piece
- sonic wolf jawbones (2)
- Runed Grey Jar (not essential, triv 108)
- gray mud (2)
- xakra bile (2)
- Xakra Runed Jar (not essential, triv 188)
- gray mud (2)
- xakra bile
- xakra blood
- Fine Xakra Runed Jar (not essential, triv 188)
- gray mud (2)
- xakra bile
- sonic wolf blood
- Vah Shir Figurines (10 needed, trivs 100 – 148 for stages)
- gray mud (20)
- xakra bile (10)
- rockhopper blood (10)
- Ceramic Sleeves (triv 135?)
- ashes of dark ritual, spiritists – HM
- owlbear bile, cubs and grapplers – HM
- sonic wolf blood
- black silt clay, ground spawn – HM
Vah Shir Quests in Hollowshade Moor
by paul on May.18, 2003, under Quests
For slightly lower level Vah Shir, the zone provides drops for their trade skill quests, and for the sonic wolf bane weapons. These depend on mobs that generally speaking only exist when the zone is in the default state, and disappear during war times. The following drops will be looked for:
rockhopper tails
sonic wolf pup/wolflings molars
owlbear claws (2) for stretching dowels
owlbear (cubs/grapplers) tendons
sonic wolf tendons
grimlings (chieftain/fisherman) fish oil soaked rags
moor tortoises kelp salts
Tailoring quest (mostly beastlords):
(young rockhopper hides x 16, MQ rockhopper hides (trivial 36), scorpion shells (56) – all in the Pit/SWT)
grimling fingerbones (68)
owlbear feathers (95)
sonic wolf pelt (95)
owlbear pelts (trivial 135)
Shadeweavers Thicket Armor Quests
by paul on May.06, 2003, under Equipment, Quests
These are intended for Vah Shir, but Ghulam is all large races (including iksar), and all Vah Shir classes. Others are all races, all classes bar silk wearers. Each quest involves collecting 4 of something.
Ghulam Armor – Kaza Raj
Gloves (ac3 p3) – bloodling mandibles (cht’thk bloodlings)
Bracers (ac4 hp7) – broken brigand skulls (skeletal/live brigands)
Boots (ac5 hp10) – shadowed claws (lesser shades)
Sleeves (ac6 hp10) – earrings (live brigands)
Cap (ac hp10) – insignia (live thugs)
Pants (ac8 hp10) – saurek claw beast fangs
Tunic – cht’thk Bloodbulk carapaces
Rebirth Leather – Spiritist Karina
Gloves (ac5 dex1 mana5) – darkened jawbones; lesser shades
Leggings (ac6 sta2 hp5) – rotting jawbones; skeletal brigands
Sleeves (ac5 str2 fr5 mana5) – sharptoothed jawbones; skeletal hunters
Tunic (?) – thick jawbone; skeletal thugs
Hunting Leather – Captain Tarief
Boots (ac4 str1 mr1) – hopper scales
Bracer (ac4 str1 fr1) – darkclaw scales
Sleeves (ac5 str2 dr2) – shredder scales
Saurek Claws – Captain Alim
Claw Beast Talon Club (5/30 str3 sta3)
Deathmaw Claw Club (6/35 poison +2)
Firefall Claw Club (7/34 fire +2)
Shredder Claw Club (5/30 bane Tergi +2)
need to turn in three with a wooden practice flail bought from Krogar in Shar Vahl; just one talon for the claw beast (plus flail).
Blessed Champions Cape
AC 8, plus wis, cha, one other stat and a faction modifier. Gather 18 poached hides, from Loda Kai poachers and traders, combine in a box from Sentry Ferin six at a time for a Hero’s Shroud. Hand in one shroud to ?? to get a cape pattern (it is returned); combine two shrouds, the pattern, and a shadeling silk thread to get a Champions Cape. Hand in to Priestess Bast with three drops of Loda Kai blood to get the Blessed Cape. You probably need ally faction to do the turn ins.
Fine Antique Quests
by paul on Jan.15, 2003, under Quests
All give level II focus effect items. Go to the building between Kelethin and Kaladim stones; each person in there gives a quest to collect 4 items, usually one each from zones in Old World, Kunark, Velious and Luclin.
- Curator Merri, artifacts – Forlorn Totem of Rolfron Zek, Idol of Woven Grass, Coldain Fetish, Petrified Totem
Fine Antique Velvet Rose, Extended Range II, ac4 wis5 int5 - Gammle Hecht, weapons – Minotaur Battle Axe, Goblin Two-Handed Sword, Chill Dagger, Ancient Sensate Shield
unknown – the sword hasn’t been found - Lohie Cantare, music – Minotaur Horn, Tambourine of Rituals, Orcish Lute of Singing, Stretched Skin Drum
Fine Antique Amice, Enhancement Haste II, ac7 dex5, cha5 - Renni Stone, rocks – Whirling Crystal, Scarlet Stone, Icy Geoduck, Pulsating Rock
Fine Antique Pelisse, Extended Affliction II, ac8 agi6 dex6 - Drelyn Beaufax, gems – Blackened Sapphire, Greenscale Emerald, Shimmering Velium Ruby, Hope Diamond
Fine Antique Veil, Improved Healing II, ac4 sta4 int4 cha4 hp10 - Holly Longtail, replacement parts – Undead Froglok Tongue, Cockatrice Beak, High Quality Cougarskin, Tiny Rockhopper Eye
Fine Antique Ring, Mana Preservation II, ac3 hp30 mana20 - Alexis Dubbani, books – Black Tome with Silver Runes, Tome of the Eternal, Codex of the Warrior, Book of Inspiration
Fine Antique Locket, Summoning Efficiency II, ac5 fr10 cr10 - Randi Ellan, flowers – Black Root, Maneater Bud, Yew Leaf, Twilight Orchid
Fine Antique Corset, Spell Haste II, ac6, dr15, pr15
Howling Stones (Charasis) Key
by paul on Jan.09, 2003, under Quests
Turbo phat exp zone, all you gotta do is get 2 items ( 1 lvl 40 and 1 lvl 45 mob in lake of omen and kaesora ) :
For details and maps go to, under quests you will find howling stones key.
If you are a high level player looking to for adventure in the depths of the dungeon of Howling Stones, you will need to do this quest. In order to gain entry into Howling Stones, you need a key. In order to obtain that key, you need to complete the following quest.
This quest starts in the Swamp of No Hope with a froglok named Dugroz along with his pet skeleton. You can find Dugroz in a cave within the cave that leads to Trakanons Teeth. The easiest way is to get to the waterfall cliff in the Swamp of No Hope. Turn around and head into the cave that leads to the Trakanon’s Teeth zone line. Along the right-hand wall of the cave there is a very small opening (+1147.05, -4000.00, +196.22) to a smaller cave. Go in that cave, invis yourself, and follow the wall left. You will pass a few froglok shin shamans, and some froglok gaz knights before you come to Dugroz. He is in a room with two froglok gaz knights. His standing location is +419.33, -4020.66, +198.26. Dugroz considers dubious to most. To speak to him, you will need to get a druid to turn you into wolf form. Upon speaking to him, he will tell you he needs two items in return for the key to Howling Stones. These two items are the Jade Chodikai Prod and the Xalgozian Fang.
The Jade Chodikai Prod (note: this stat pic was taken on the opening day of Kunark. The Prod is now Shaman Only) can be found upon Chancellor of Di`zok. The Chancellor is a level 35-40, shaman classed sarnak with a pet, that can be found in the very back of the sarnak fortress in Lake of Ill Omen. He spawns once every two hours and he may or may not drop the Prod every time. If he has the Prod, you will see him wielding it.
The Xalgozian Fang is dropped by Xalgoz, in the church very deep inside Kaesora. If you are a level 50+ caster, there is a chance of you doing this solo but it is much easier if you get a group of 3 or more level 50+ to clear the area around Xalgoz and kill him off with no incidents. Xalgoz or his place holder spawns once every 28 minutes and drops the fang about 75% of the time. The church room spawn is 18 minutes.
Once you have both pieces, head back to the Swamp of No Hope and find Dugroz. There are conflicting reports that due to Dugroz being dubious or worse to most races/classes, he may or may not give you the key once you hand over the two items. To be safe, get a wolf form, initiate dialogue with him, go through ALL of the dialogue, and then hand over the pieces. This way you should be sure to get your key. There are reports of wolf form not even working though. Dugroz is on beta-neutral faction.
Reports on the Dugroz cave are that you can kill the gaz knights next to Dugroz without him being provoked. Even while you are ‘glower dubious’ with him.
Reports are that Dugroz will give you the dialogue AND the key even if you are ‘glower dubious’ to him.